Wednesday, August 5, 2009

East Harbor State Park

Campground: Site C154
Dates: July 24 - 26, 2009 total $62
Weather: Nice, but chilly (for July!), highs low 80's, lows in the 60's

This was our first trip to East Harbor. The park was nice, but unless you were camping on a cul-de-sac, it was very crowded, without much space between the sites. Our site was very private, we liked it alot. This weekend was the Christmas in July weekend, so people decorated their sites with lights and other displays which was fun to see.

Zack got to use his new camping chair. Not surprising, we had to buy one for Sydney too as she thought Zack's chair was now bigger than hers (which it really wasn't).

A big surprise was a "meow" we heard from the bushes. It was a cat! A very friendly, and probably hungry, cat came out of the woods and hung out with us all night.

It rained a lot on Saturday morning, and the people next to us packed up their stuff and went home because they were in tents. We just laughed at them was we watched DVD's all morning in the comfort of our nice dry camper. haha

We went to see Santa and Mrs Claus, but Zack was less than thrilled to talk to them.

One of the nature items to see at East Harbor are the glacial grooves. I remember seeing these as a kid when we camped here. Sydney had some other thoughts on what the glacial grooves would be and went to go pout (and probably cry!) and she told us they weren't cool. Here she is pouting!!

The beach was very soft and sandy. In fact, the majority of it had a sandbar! That was nice for the kids to go play on, while I enjoyed laying on the beach :)

We made a camping speciality, "fire pies". We were very careful this time not to burn them, like we often do. The kids actually ate several of them, this will be added to our camping menu!

On the way home we stopped at the Marblehead lighthouse.

This place was cool because we could see Cedar Point. So close, but so far away. *sigh*