Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pokagon State Park

Campground: Site 328
Dates: June 19-21, 2009 total $51 (plus $7 entrance fee)
Weather: Nice and warm, highs in the 80's, lows in the 60's

Like always, a little black cloud tends to follow us to Pokagon. I'm just not sure why, but this trip started out with my comment "uh oh, I forgot my jacket". Well that would have been good enough, but sure enough a bigger bump was coming our way - our camper tire blew out on the turnpike!! That would not have even have been a big deal - we had a spare tire - but unfortunately Alan didn't have the right tool to get it off the camper! oh man. So we ended up going to Angola's Walmart to buy some tools, out to dinner, and then 3 hours later we made it back to the camper (which we left on the turnpike) and were on our way to the campground.

Look, there's our camper on the turnpike!!

Setting up the camper was breeze since we bought those Lynx leveler blocks, but not long after we started up our campfire it started to rain so we headed for bed. It rained really hard that night, but it was nice to hear as we snoozed. Luckily our campsite was on a little hill and it was not wet the next morning.

Saturday we spent down at the beach, which got pretty crowded. The kids had a blast playing in the sand and building a big trench for the water to pour through. That night we had a big campfire (and oh, Zack jumped on Alan's lap and Alan's chair broke!! waaa). On Sunday we went for a bike ride and Zack got a little out of control on a big hill and almost ran head first into a post. That was the scariest thing I've ever watched - Zack speeding towards an obstacle with no apparent way to stop! However after his initial sobbing, he was over it, and the camping trip went on. We went over to the horse barn and Sydney got to ride on the horse twice because Zack changed his mind about riding. A trip to the nature center finished our day and we packed up.

On the way home Alan was cautious about the the spare tire we were using and he thought we should stop and rest and let the tire cool down. We just happened to find this really cool ice cream parlor for a pit stop. It was a perfect ending to a fun camping trip!