Sunday, September 14, 2008

Maumee Bay State Park

Maumee Bay State Park
Campground: Maumee Bay State Park, Site 142
Dates: Sept 12 - 14, 2008, $60 total ** only stayed Friday night
Weather: Rain Rain Rain, around 80, low in 60's

Rainy is the only thing to say about this trip. It was hardly a trip, we got there Friday night around 6:30, and left by 11am the next day! It was sprinkling when we set up, stopped a little bit for a soggy fire, and then just rained and rained and rained. Unfortunately, Grandma and Grandpa were there too, and they also decided to go home so we didn't get to visit with them much. And, go figure, the rain cleared up by 2pm on Saturday and it was nice (and humid) until 6pm on Sunday. We should have went back. Oh well, next time. Even though it was a quick trip, it was fun as always :)