Monday, August 25, 2008

Pokagon State Park

Campground: Pokagon State Park, IN, Site 519
Dates: August 1-3, 2008, $50 total plus $7 entrance fee
Weather: Sunny, high in 80's, low in 60's

You could say that the moment Alan accidentally pulled into the drive through of Taco Bell with the camper, it was a hint of what was in store for us that evening. Although he read me the riot act when I prompted him to go through the drive through on a previous camping trip, he some how had a major brain fart and didn't remember that the little driveway next to Taco Bell is actually the *drive thru* and not a road to the parking lot. But I digress... anyhow, as we made our loop around Taco Bell without causing any major damage to us or the building, it was a fraction of the damage that was almost caused when our truck almost slid into the back end of a car at a stop light on the lightly wet road. Thank god Alan is a quick thinker and avoided the situation by driving off the curb. Soon we'll be getting those new tires for the truck :)

When we got to the campground we headed over to our campsite, which we had picked a month earlier. The description said "flat" but we should have known better than anything at Pokagon is not really flat. So someone (who will remain nameless) had a great idea to pull the camper wheel up on top of a large flat rock that was found in the woods. Sure, that would have been a great plan, had the camper not rolled right off of it when we tried to unhook from the truck! Never mind, we just kept trying it again, and again, and oh, did I mention, we also forgot that we had put one of the chocks under the wheel and it made a large "crunch" sound when rolled over. Oops, now we'll also need to get some new chocks soon too. In desperation I suggested we get a new campsite. When that didn't pan out, we decided just to live with the unlevel situation and make the best of it.

It was an uneventful night, especially since we didn't get the camper set up until 9:30! Just off to bed and that was it. The next day we went for an early bike ride, a pony ride at the stable barn, and headed over to the beach for swimming. It was quite a relief as it was near 90 that day! After baking in the sun all day, we took long naps, and then hung out at our campsite. It was about that time Alan noticed that he had forgot to move the pin off the back of the truck bumper, so he took a trip to Menards and Walmart to find a new one.

The kids were up early the next day riding their bikes up and down our street. They loved doing that (while saying "wheeee!!!" the whole time) We then took a nature walk, and checked out the toboggan run. We hope to go there this winter. That was when the strange smell started to surface. At first it was just a little whiff, but as the afternoon progressed, the smell got strong and we found out that our grey water was leaking! Apparently there are many reasons that you should level the camper out, not just to avoid falling over in it.

Even with everything that went on, it was a great trip! It's never dull at Pokagon :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Maumee Bay State Park

Campground: Maumee Bay State Park, Site 136
Dates: August 1-3, 2008, $60 total
Weather: Sunny, high in 80's, low in 60's

Even though we didn't have any trees on our site, it was right next to a lake and we had our own trail to the lake. It was private due to all of the trees around the site.

We spent Friday night riding bikes around the campground. On Saturday we went to the beach and flew kites and played in the sand. No one was brave enough to go into the lake!! Since we got all dirty in the sand at the beach, we hit the showers back at the campsite (they are actually quite nice showers!)
After dinner on Saturday we went to the ice cream social again (yummy big cones for $1!), and went down to the beach amphitheater to hear Kerry Clark play. It was a good show - the kids had a blast rolling down the hill over and over again. After that we made a fire and caught lightning bugs. It was a late night, the kids got to bed around 10:30.
On Sunday we took a nature walk and headed home. A great weekend!